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My book about resilience

Resilience is a very personal challenge for me. Always been. For a long time I nibbled at the fact that I wasn't a particularly resilient person when I was younger. My childhood had left its mark, and for a long time I didn't even know exactly what was so difficult about it. Because until a few years ago, I was not aware of the effects that seemingly harmless things that happened in childhood have on our psyche as adults. I began studying trauma in 2013 and since then improving my own resilience has been at the top of my list. So resilience has become a personal passion for me. The Polyvagal Theory by Dr. Stephen Porges has become a milestone in my own inner work as well as in working with people, who has fundamentally changed the way I work.  


Now I've finally managed to put my knowledge down on paper.  


But now to my book.  


Training Resilience - What strengthening resilience and mastering crises has to do with the nervous system, neuroplasticity and the vagus nerve is now available on Amazon.

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Training resilience - What strengthening resilience and mastering crises has to do with the nervous system, neuroplasticity and the vagus nerve

Resilience can be learned, yes. But there is an invisible limit. Because if we don't include the nervous system, the fight/flight and freeze responses to stress, and the vagus nerve, we're only getting 'so far'. Stubborn, unwelcome patterns that just don't want to come off? This book has the answer. A real treasure trove with well-founded knowledge, clear graphics and many practical exercises is waiting for you!

We would like to point out that for the duration of the business relationship (initiation, conclusion, delivery, invoicing, payment) including a possible warranty period, you have a temporary affiliation with the common welfare state Kingdom of Germany (KRD). You use the constitution, the laws and the jurisdiction of the KRD, which you have to choose first in legal disputes. There are no further rights, obligations or costs

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